New here...
(too old to reply)
Lilah Morgan
2007-04-24 23:48:15 UTC
Just want to see if there is still anyone posting here, cause all I see is a
bunch of spam...
Gail Futoran
2007-04-25 17:41:28 UTC
Post by Lilah Morgan
Just want to see if there is still anyone posting here, cause all I see is a
bunch of spam...

I used to read and post to alt.tv.xena* a lot,
have gotten away from it, but checked in
and noticed your post. I see you're also
posting on atx.

I should get back into the discussions. I
still miss X:WP.

aka Warrior Gardener
Lilah Morgan
2007-04-25 23:37:59 UTC
<<"Gail Futoran" <***@NOSPAMworldnet.att.net> wrote in message news:cpMXh.362586$***@bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
I used to read and post to alt.tv.xena* a lot, have gotten away from it, but
checked in and noticed your post. I see you're alsoposting on atx.

I should get back into the discussions. I still miss X:WP.
aka Warrior Gardener>>

I miss it too...I kinda got distracted with other shows, not that much
though, I kinda really have been hesitant about getting into another show as
much as I did Xena, because I don't wanna go through 'it's over' issues
again...and I haven't really yet...all the shows I watched to fill the Xena
void, well they ended up getting so 'off', that for me they ended long
before they had their final episodes. At least with Firefly I got into it
AFTER it was over, so I already knew that was it. And I only bring up
Firefly because recently I've come to view Mal as kind of a male
Xena(almost, he doesn't have a special weapon or nearly superhuman fighting
abilities). But more personality wise. He's like Xena without having the
Caesar incident(especially since Mal/Xena were both 'pirates'), but also
without a Gabrielle. Though Zoe comes kinda close. He and Xena both fought
in a war(though Xena's was just originally to protect Amphipolis from
Cortese), which both went badly for them. Mal because his side lost, and
although Xena won, she lost her brother Lyceus, who fulfilled the same role
Gabrielle did for her later on, and she was banished from Amphipolis. And
after those wars ended, they both became 'pirates'. Though I must say, Xena
was earning more than Mal apparently ;-)

Warrior Gardener? I'm having to be one of those myself. The winters here
suck and am forced to do nothing from like October to March pretty much, and
so after the snow melts, I get to see how crap everything is, which requires
much tenacity to have it looking decent again.
Gail Futoran
2007-04-26 18:13:01 UTC
Post by Gail Futoran
I used to read and post to alt.tv.xena* a lot, have gotten away from it, but
checked in and noticed your post. I see you're alsoposting on atx.
I should get back into the discussions. I still miss X:WP.
aka Warrior Gardener>>
I miss it too...I kinda got distracted with other shows, not that much
though, I kinda really have been hesitant about getting into another show as
much as I did Xena, because I don't wanna go through 'it's over' issues
again...and I haven't really yet...all the shows I watched to fill the Xena
void, well they ended up getting so 'off', that for me they ended long
before they had their final episodes.
I didn't have a choice about X:WP. I watched
it starting mid-first season fairly regularly,
but not until S3 and The Debt did I become
totally obsessed. Not since "The Avengers"
(Diana Rigg eps) have I been that hooked
on a show, and not since. I'm a strong
fan of quite a few TV shows, always have
been, but X:WP was in a different category
for me.

At least with Firefly I got into it
Post by Gail Futoran
AFTER it was over, so I already knew that was it. And I only bring up
Firefly because recently I've come to view Mal as kind of a male
Xena(almost, he doesn't have a special weapon or nearly superhuman fighting
abilities). But more personality wise. He's like Xena without having the
Caesar incident(especially since Mal/Xena were both 'pirates'), but also
without a Gabrielle.
I hadn't thought about Mal as being like
Xena, but I think that's a good point.

Though Zoe comes kinda close. He and Xena both fought
Post by Gail Futoran
in a war(though Xena's was just originally to protect Amphipolis from
Cortese), which both went badly for them. Mal because his side lost, and
although Xena won, she lost her brother Lyceus, who fulfilled the same role
Gabrielle did for her later on, and she was banished from
Amphipolis. And
after those wars ended, they both became 'pirates'. Though I must say, Xena
was earning more than Mal apparently ;-)
Warrior Gardener? I'm having to be one of those myself. The winters here
suck and am forced to do nothing from like October to March pretty much, and
so after the snow melts, I get to see how crap everything is, which requires
much tenacity to have it looking decent again.
One of my X:WP friends named me that
after I babbled on about my rose garden
one summer, and the term stuck. :) I live
in Southcentral Texas and our growing
season is typically 9-10 months out of
the year.

To make this slightly on topic <g>, I'll
mention that I didn't notice subtext until
I started reading atx* (all 3 groups) but
as soon as it was pointed out to me, I
became a true believer.

aka Warrior Gardener
Lilah Morgan
2007-04-26 21:22:59 UTC
<<One of my X:WP friends named me that after I babbled on about my rose
garden one summer, and the term stuck. :) I live in Southcentral Texas and
our growing season is typically 9-10 months out of the year.>>
I'll pretend I didn't hear that. I live in South Central(well kinda on the
border of South Central and Southwest Oregon and our growing season is like
TWO months. A greenhouse is pretty much a necessity here. Well my aloe vera
does good in the windowsill. And the hardy plants like wild
roses/strawberries do just fine outside, as are the lilacs and tulips(but
they were already here at our place when we bought it...we have just over an
acre). Gonna plant some of my (chocolate)mint outside too, as well as put it
in a few different containers to sell at the farmer's market. I love mint.
There were a couple regular roses here(including a yellow one...just had to
mention that since you said you're in Texas hehe), but I think the chickens
killed 'em. We have about 30 chickens, and mom likes to let them loose
during the day so they eat buggies and crap so we don't have that many
buggies coming in the house. But the chickens also love green things. Any
plants that they can reach, 'cept the lilacs/wild roses are fair game for
them. Learned that the hard way when they destroyed my melon/sunflower
plants that had sprouted enough to be planted outside. I hadn't even planted
the melon yet, left it in its container(I start them indoors in windowsills
a few weeks before it's planting time) on the ledge on the porch and went to
go do something else and came back and the stalk had been pecked right in

To make this slightly on topic <g>, I'll mention that I didn't notice
subtext until I started reading atx* (all 3 groups) but as soon as it was
pointed out to me, I became a true believer.>>

I always saw the subtext, but I never got the big deal over it. To me, X/G
are lovers in the sense that they love each other, and that should be what
matters, not whether or not they're having sex. All 3 groups? hehe...I'm bec
oming a newsgroupie myself. Didn't I see you the cat health/behavior one as
Gail Futoran
2007-04-29 23:29:50 UTC
Post by Lilah Morgan
<<One of my X:WP friends named me that after I babbled on about my rose
garden one summer, and the term stuck. :) I live in Southcentral Texas and
our growing season is typically 9-10 months out of the year.>>
I'll pretend I didn't hear that. I live in South Central(well kinda on the
border of South Central and Southwest Oregon and our growing season is like
TWO months. A greenhouse is pretty much a necessity here.
Sometimes I wish I had fewer growing months!
Remember the weeds grow, too, and we have
some pretty persistent weeds here. Sounds like
you have a real farm. I'm just a rose gardener,
not even food, just the occasional herb for fun.
I do have rabbits that will occasionally eat
a young rose, and at times have caged roses
with chicken wire.
Post by Lilah Morgan
To make this slightly on topic <g>, I'll mention that I didn't
subtext until I started reading atx* (all 3 groups) but as soon as it was
pointed out to me, I became a true believer.>>
I always saw the subtext, but I never got the big deal over it. To me, X/G
are lovers in the sense that they love each other, and that should be what
matters, not whether or not they're having sex.
Difference of opinion on that issue is
welcome, except here. :) alt.tv.xena-subtext
is hardcore (by charter) Xena and Gab are
lovers. On alt.tv.xena and
alt.tv.xena-subtext.misc it's a matter of
discussion. E.g., on atx all opinions are
(or should be) welcome. On atxsm the
emphasis is on discussion of subtext but
not exclusively Xena and Gabrielle. atxs
is strictly Xena-Gabrielle subtext.

Definition of terms: That Xena and
Gabrielle love each other as you define it
is maintext. Heck, they said it often
enough! Subtext is what's not said or
shown in the clear. Although subtexters
would argue there are numerous
occasions when "subtext" became

All 3 groups? hehe...I'm bec
Post by Lilah Morgan
oming a newsgroupie myself. Didn't I see you the cat health/behavior one as
Yep, I'm there fairly frequently. I read
about a dozen newsgroups regularly, but
don't post much anywhere. I considered
atx* my "home" newsgroup(s) for the
longest time, and posted to them an awful lot.
Too much, some would argue. :)

I hope you enjoy newsgroups. They can
be frustrating, because they're wide open,
unlike many forums and moderated
newsgroups that exercise some to a lot
of control over what gets posted. For
some reason I never could get into other
forms of online discussion.

Subtexter & Xenite
Lilah Morgan
2007-04-30 00:38:20 UTC
<<Difference of opinion on that issue is welcome, except here. :)
alt.tv.xena-subtext is hardcore (by charter) Xena and Gab are lovers.>>
Hardcore? Ok I'm gonna bypass all the images that came into my head with
that word(a Xena/Callisto/Gabrielle 'bloody menage a trois' for
example...hope I spelled that right) :-) Seriously though, I know what ya
mean. I was just stating that to me their emotional love is the most
important factor for me.

<<Definition of terms: That Xena and Gabrielle love each other as you
define it is maintext. Heck, they said it often enough! Subtext is what's
not said or shown in the clear. Although subtexters would argue there are
numerous occasions when "subtext" became "maintext".>>
hehe like in Heart of Darkness(my favorite 'fun' ep of the series...liked to
watch it and play Civ2 when I got home. Nothing like an orgy and some good
old fashioned world domination after a hard day to relax now, is there?)
with the dance and jealousy or You Are There(my fave 'funny' ep of the
series)? I was reading on Whoosh the commentaries for You Are There, and was
stunned to have one of them claim the reason Gabrielle said "I don't love
Xena" is because she meant they weren't lovers. This after the person had
seen the whole ep, where it was made clear that there was no love in the
world anymore. The shocked look on Gabrielle's face was from realizing she
had no love for Xena(of any kind!). I understand there are anti-subtext
people out there, and that's ok, but burying your head in the sand about
it...'minds me of how I quit trying to discuss Buffy or Angel on message
boards because the responses tended to be teenybopper types who apparently
could say nothing more than Buffy and Angel 4eva! or people with Saint Buffy
issues. I prefer it when even though there may be differing viewpoints,
rational discussions can still be had.

<<Yep, I'm there fairly frequently. I read about a dozen newsgroups
regularly, but don't post much anywhere. I considered atx* my "home"
newsgroup(s) for the longest time, and posted to them an awful lot. Too
much, some would argue. :) >>
hehe I'm subscribed to 34newsgroups(just counted). I've cut down. When I
first discovered newsgroups, I joined ones on everything from beekeeping to
Xena(of course!) to nanotechnology. I kinda went nuts and joined them just
because I could. I shouldn't be surprised to find you in other newsgroups
I'm in as well. Over time I've found that more than fans of any other show,
it's my fellow Xenites I tend to have the most in common with. See above for
Buffy/Angel fandom issues. I've been a regular at 3 or 4 BTVS/Angel message
boards over the last few years, and out of the hundred of posters combined,
only 3 of them I really keep in contact with, for reasons I mentioned

<<I hope you enjoy newsgroups. They can be frustrating, because they're
wide open, unlike many forums and moderated newsgroups that exercise some to
a lot of control over what gets posted. For some reason I never could get
into other forms of online discussion.>>
Yeah, I've kinda disappointed in the pagan/Wiccan newsgroups I found, they
have no real relevant discussions, it's mostly stupid crap, gender wars and
other such things, almost as bad as that person that just posted in the cat
ng, who does nothing but call everyone animal abusing mental cases. Not only
that, as I've posted twice in response to their posts, they are in dire need
of Hooked on Phonics. Yes I am quite anal/pissy when it comes to spelling.
It's a thing.

Dwight Gruber
2007-04-26 20:48:50 UTC
Post by Gail Futoran
I used to read and post to alt.tv.xena* a lot, have gotten away from it, but
checked in and noticed your post. I see you're alsoposting on atx.
I should get back into the discussions. I still miss X:WP.
aka Warrior Gardener>>
I miss it too...I kinda got distracted with other shows, not that much
though, I kinda really have been hesitant about getting into another show as
much as I did Xena, because I don't wanna go through 'it's over' issues
again...and I haven't really yet...all the shows I watched to fill the Xena
void, well they ended up getting so 'off', that for me they ended long
before they had their final episodes. At least with Firefly I got into it
AFTER it was over, so I already knew that was it. And I only bring up
Firefly because recently I've come to view Mal as kind of a male
Xena(almost, he doesn't have a special weapon or nearly superhuman fighting
abilities). But more personality wise. He's like Xena without having the
Caesar incident(especially since Mal/Xena were both 'pirates'), but also
without a Gabrielle. Though Zoe comes kinda close. He and Xena both fought
in a war(though Xena's was just originally to protect Amphipolis from
Cortese), which both went badly for them. Mal because his side lost, and
although Xena won, she lost her brother Lyceus, who fulfilled the same role
Gabrielle did for her later on, and she was banished from Amphipolis. And
after those wars ended, they both became 'pirates'. Though I must say, Xena
was earning more than Mal apparently ;-)
Warrior Gardener? I'm having to be one of those myself. The winters here
suck and am forced to do nothing from like October to March pretty much, and
so after the snow melts, I get to see how crap everything is, which requires
much tenacity to have it looking decent again.
Old interests die hard, I check the Xena groups regularly to see if any
heyday posters show up (hi, Gail!). Keep your eye peeled for the occasional
post by Terasita.

Gail Futoran
2007-04-29 23:29:49 UTC
Post by Dwight Gruber
Old interests die hard, I check the Xena groups regularly to see if any
heyday posters show up (hi, Gail!). Keep your eye peeled for the occasional
post by Terasita.
Hey Dwight! I'm glad you're still checking in.
I don't do it that often, but maybe I will
start again. I always liked discussing the
episodes and I see that's going on in atx.

Later - Gail